• Question: can the corona virus transfer into food

    Asked by anon-240583 to Tom, Rebecca, Emily, Elspeth, Ben, Antoine on 18 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Ben Cropper

      Ben Cropper answered on 18 Mar 2020:


      I don’t know. I think it primarily transfers through droplets in the air, but it might say on here if there are any alternate transmission methods. I don’t think it transfers through food but I don’t know of any research which has been done on this!

    • Photo: Emily Goddard

      Emily Goddard answered on 18 Mar 2020:

      Maybe if somebody sneezed on it! I agree with Ben, it’s primarily thought to be through droplets, or on your hands then to your face, so you should always wash your hands before cooking or eating.

    • Photo: Tom Dally

      Tom Dally answered on 18 Mar 2020:

      I’m not sure on this one. As Emily and Ben mentioned – check with advice on the WHO and NHS websites, and always wash your hands before and after eating anyway.
